





Radioactive Waste Management & safety requirements  -  September 26 -30, 2022  -  Pisa (Italy)

The training course intends to provide a comprehensive presentation and discussion of the safety approach (basis, requirements, EU and international references) for radioactive waste management (RWM) giving evidence of the needed infrastructure in each country.

The training covers the regulatory safety requirements for activities and facilities related to RWM including: classification, treatment, conditioning, waste acceptance criteria, clearance levels, storage and disposal facilities.

Particular attention will be given to RW storage facilities and near surface disposal facilities

The content of safety analysis and safety justification (SAR) to be submitted for licensing purpose, the approach for regulatory review, including the management of interfaces with the licensee, are presented and discussed with relevant examples from regulatory experience in EU. The key aspects to effectively manage and carry out the regulatory review of submitted SAR are presented.

The course will include, according to availability from operator side, a visit to a nuclear site where RWM activities are carried out.

The training is conceived to be interactive promoting discussions with trainees to facilitate and ensure effective transfer of know how.








Course Information


Registration form

NPP  Safety Analysis Report  &  regulatory         review  -  October 10 -14, 2022   -  Pisa (Italy)

The course will present and discuss the main safety objectives, principles and requirements affecting the safety conception of current NPP technology and relaed safety functions and safety systems.

The content of the safety analysis report (SAR) to be elaborated for licensing purpose and their completeness, adequacy and auditability will be discussed both for deterministic and probabilistic methodologies.

Particular attention will be given to the structure and content requirements of the SAR at different stages of the licensing process. Links between SAR and PSA in the licensing review of a SAR will be emphasized.

The organization of the regulatory review (evaluation) of the SAR will be presented and discussed, with identification of priorities for the different phases of licensing process from siting to construction, commissioning and operation. Use of TSO external support for regulatory review will be introduced.

The effective management of regulatory review of SAR will be part of the training program with presentation and discussion of issues related to interface with applicant/license, discussion of review findings, conclusion of review work (evaluation report) and its use in the decision making process.

The course will provide also Information about the EU framework for nuclear safety and safety and the recent safety objectives for new NPP issued by WENRA.

The training is conceived to be interactive promoting discussions with trainees to facilitate and ensure effective transfer of know how.








Course Information




 Registration form


Safety requirements of  NPP civil & mechanical structures –  To be scheduled

The training course will provide a comprehensive description of approaches and methods to ensure safe design of  civil and mechanical structures  and related safety  analysis in a NPP.

It will cover description of current available technology of main structures, equipment and buildings including functional and structural functions, containment functions, design requirements, safety and seismic classifications, seismic design and seismic margins requirements. Specific topics will be presented and discussed related to: primary circuit and reactor boundary, concrete and reinforced concrete structures, safety functions  under different loading conditions and associated admissible stress, reference EU and international standards.

Aspects of load combinations, classification of loading conditions,  use of piping restraints and leak before break criteria, soil-structure interaction,  foundation problems, seismic design and seismic qualification of mechanical equipment will ber covered and discussed

Design against internal loads and external loads (natural and non-natural) will be covered with particular focus on the reactor building and its containment function. Available codes will be discussed.

The content of the SAR for civil structures and mechanical system and equipment and related safety analyses will be discussed.  Practical application  are included in the training program.

The training is conceived to be interactive promoting discussions with trainees to facilitate and ensure effective transfer of know how.





Course Information




 Registration form


